
- US has over 200,000 troops in Vietnam
- A song you might remember...A Taste of Honey, Herb Alpert...
- The Boston Celtics were Basketball champs....
- The Montreal Canadiens were Hockey champs....
- Lyndon Baines Johnson was president....
- Bonanza was hot on TV...
- Los Angeles def. Minnesota (4-3) in the World Series....
- At the Movies ....Doctor Zhivago & The Sound of Music....
- Sir Winston Churchill, British statesman and world leader, dies at age 90.
- The Gateway Arch in St. Louis, commemorating the Louisiana purchase in 1808, is completed.
- Joe Namath signs first pro contract - three years, $427,000.
- Malcolm X is killed in a dramatic shooting before an audience of 400.
- In London Rembrandt's 'Titus' is sold for $2.2 million.
- 25,000 civil rights demonstrators embark on a 50-mile walk for freedom from Selma, Alabama to the state
Capitol in Montgomery.
- Soviet cosmonaut Aleksei A. Leonov becomes the first man to leave an orbiting spacecraft and float in
- NASA launches Early Bird, world's first commercial satellite.
- Jack Nicklaus wins Masters with record 271.
- Houston Astrodome, the world's biggest air-conditioned arena, opens with exhibition baseball game between
the New York Yankees and the Houston Astros - first ever played indoors.
- Helena Rubinstein, beauty expert and cosmetics manufacturer, dies in New York at age 94.
- Britain adopts the metric system.
- U.S. Supreme Court voids conviction of Billie Sol Estes because trial was televised against his
- President Johnson signs the medicare Social Security bill in Harry S. Truman library as a tribute to the
ex-president who first proposed a federal program of health insurance under Social Security.
- Adlai Stevenson, Ambassador to U.N. suffers a fatal heart attack.
- The racial tension which has plagued the nation for years explodes in a bloodbath of rioting, looting and
arson in the Negro section of Watts in Los Angeles.
- President Johnson signs the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which prohibits states from using poll taxes,
literacy tests or other impediments to deny minorities their right to vote.
- The bill creating Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is signed.
- Ted Erikson swims English Channel both ways.
- Queen Elizabeth decorates Beatles with the Order of the British Empire.
- Sandy Koufax of the L.A. Dodgers pitches a perfect game, also becomes the first in baseball history ever to
pitch four no-hitters.
- Albert Schweitzer, doctor of philosophy, medicine, theology and music, dies at age 90. He received the
Nobel Peace Prize in 1952.
- Dodgers beat Minnesota Twins 2-0 in final game to capture World Series.
- The worst power failure in history occurs in nine Northeastern states and parts of Canada.
- American astronauts steer two Gemini spacecraft to a rendezvous in orbit.