Thanks to Alan Aoki for this photo of Mt. Ogden football

Front row (left to right): 17 – Dee Sessions, 14 – Bob Jones, 18 – Ray Miller, 18 – Ned
McCracken, 4 - Steve Call, 16 – Dick Hart, 20 – Tom Hobbs, Jon Fister, Mike Kennedy, Zack Lund, Lewis
Slot, 9 - Alan Aoki
Second row: Lynn Larkin, Mark Hains, Steve Branz, John Webb, Gerald Allen, Jerry Priest,
Greg Keys, Mike Sanders, Rick Dent, Scott Fronk
Third row: Woody Call, David Priest, Calvin Ross, Bob Peteerson, Richard Maughn, Steve Rackham,
Scott Hale, David White, Neal Green, Steve Hutton
Forth row: Riley Dawson, Doug Hurst, Roger Clarke, Richard Sneddon, Glen Woolsey,
unknown, Stuart Froehling, Craig Norseth, Brent Todd, Stan Buchanan
If you can help with names on any of the "unknown" players, please let the webmaster