Love, Dennis
Mailing Address:
Primary Phone: 208-529-9166
Primary Email:
Comments: (2-2015) After graduation, 1 year at Weber State, then a mission to
Central America and Venezuela. Graduated from BYU in 1971 in Psychology. Also married in December of that year
to Roberta (Robyn) Johnson, of Idaho Falls. Spent five years active duty as a linguist in the Army Security
Agency, got a M.A. in Public Administration and then got accepted to law school in 1978 but put that on hold
for a while. Settled in Idaho Falls and worked as a salesman before getting back to my dream of law school in
1982. Went to the University of Idaho with our 6 kids (7th was born a month after we got there) and graduated
with a J.D. in 1985. Returned to Idaho Falls to work in a litigation firm for 3 years and then in 1988, became
house counsel for the Department of Energy's Management & Operating contractor at the Idaho National
Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I've been house counsel for four
successive DOE contractors and I'm currently Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of CH2M-WG Idaho, a
limited liability company that runs the site nuclear clean-up operation at the INEEL. Robyn and I had 8
children (3 boys, 5 girls) and just welcomed our 26th grandchild with number 27 on the way. I was just released
from my second time as bishop and am about to retire, after which, when Robyn retires, we will go on a mission.
In what little spare time there has been between work and church assignments, I love to fly fish and I hope to
do some mediation in my golden years.